Uncategorized Laura Gates Uncategorized Laura Gates


IMG_0157Last nigh I watched Schindler's List, played in its entirety without commercials on USA Network. The fact that they did this is a powerful message to me and our times and the great need for change. I first saw this film in 1994 when going through a divorce and trying to figure out my life. At the end of the film, I sat in the theater sobbing. It made my problems look ridiculously small. I turned to my friend next to me and said "I’m going to do whatever it takes so that never happen again." A week later I met Claire Nuer, facilitating her workshop with Learning as Leadership, a Holocaust survivor who had been hidden on a farm with a Catholic family during the war while her entire family perished except her mother. She stood on stage, her hand on her heart and declared "I am committed to do whatever it takes so that such a level of atrocity of man's power over man never happen again" I felt something shift inside me in that moment, I knew that my life was about to change, that my path had been clarified. And I knew I would work with her.

For nearly 20 years now I have guided and coached others through the personal development training she created, alongside her grown children who continue her legacy after her death.

(And by the way, I was not trained as a coach, I had not studied for the job, no one gave me permission to do it, I just knew I needed to share her work in the world, so I took one step at a time, first volunteering for her organization and then becoming a full-time employee in 2000).

Seeing this film at this time feels like a powerful message for me as I contemplate my evolving role on the planet, and how I can be of the highest good for humanity.

What is your stand?

What gifts and talents are you holding back because you feel you’re not yet qualified?

How do you want to make a difference in the world, right here, right now?

Speak to me!

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