There is No Net
I leapt and the net did not appear
Free falling
I scramble for an anchor
Landing with a thud on soft leaves
Bones decaying
Flesh melting into the ground
My body returning to the earth
Turkey vultures circling overhead
Am I dying or being reborn?
Mind slips under the surface
The beating drums call to me from over the ridge
Calling me back to myself
Reminding me of my healing quest
Moths dance in the waning sunlight
Messengers from God
“There is no net,” they whisper.
Take wing! Take wing!
And fly
I want to thank Angeles Arrien for leading the Vision Quest that inspired this post. I also want to remind you that I still have a few spots left in my women's healing retreat October 24-27 if you are ready to embark on the next phase of your journey. More here.