Gates Group Consulting

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What’s Your Excuse? Do What Scares You (Part III)

What I’ve noticed in this series of Do What Scares You is the sneakiness of my fear. Just when I think, “I’m bold, I’m courageous, I take risks - nothing can stop me!” Something comes along and pokes at me and says, “Yeah, but what about this scary place right here?” Ouch. This week a couple of very wise women pointed out where I was holding back, playing small, not stepping up to the plate. I see how I’m afraid to be “too much” stand out, be seen. As a girl I always felt my energy was a little too big for those around me, that I was too enthusiastic and overwhelming for people. I learned to tone it down, keep a lid on it.

Well, it’s time to take the lid off. That feels scary! As I contemplated what it would look like to do what scares me, what it would require of me, I came across this.

Watch it. Then come back and tell me why you can’t do what you came here to do. Why the cards are stacked against you and why you don’t have enough time or money or support to be who you’re truly meant to me. Watch it and report back! (Trust me it’s worth the less than 5 minutes of your life!)